COVID-19 Status
Each of our team members are working from home and will continue to be available by email or phone.
The COVID-19 epidemic developing world-wide is having a catastrophic effect in many countries and many industries and our hearts and thoughts are with those who are suffering. In New Zealand we are fortunate to be relatively isolated and later in the spread of the virus, and in our farming environment we are fortunate to live and work also in relative isolation compared to most of the world population.
However we must not be complacent and think that we are somehow immune to the devastating effects that follow infection by this new virus. If you think the control and/or eradication of M Bovis (a bacteria, not a virus) is difficult and inconvenient, then this is many times more so.
New Zealand Grazing Company is ready to play its part to care for health and well-being of the people we are associated with as we carry out our role helping to grow great heifers.
For some time we have had robust communication and administrative systems and procedures in place to enable our Field Staff to work from remote locations and as from tomorrow our administration staff will also be working from home. All phone and email contact addresses stay the same, so it is unlikely you will notice any change.
Stay safe,
The New Zealand Grazing Team.
Government COVID-19 information.